Flash Forwarder Tools by Sonucais

Are you a Newgrounds fan like me? If so, you'll love this program!

Viva La Newgrounds!

Who made it?: This Flash emulator comes to us from a Newgrounds user named Sonucais.

Story: Similarly to Ruffle, this is a program for those who want to play Newgrounds games after the end of date for the official Flash pluggin. Unlike Ruffle, this isn't a Rust or WebAssembly based emulater, but a standalone Flash projector that you execute yourself.

Presentation: Every flash game I tried with this looks and sounds like they did during the glory days of Flash. Sometimes parts of the game stretch into the black voids on the sides when you are playing them full screen, but other than that they all look impeccable. As for the app itself, it's pretty basic looking. It comes with a white rectangle where you put the game's link or keyword, some buttons that do different actions and on part of the program the links to the 3 latest games/movies you've player are held.

How to play: It's slightly more complicated than the Ruffle emulator, but it's still really simple. All you have to do is copy past the link of whatever Newgrounds submission you want to play into the little white rectangle in the window and press the forward button. This program also has a random option, keyword search functionality and the option to download the swf. file of your chosen submission. You can't get medals playing games through this program, but you can always play the games on Newgrounds itself to fix that.

Gameplay: Most of the games I played and movies I watched on this work just like they did when you didn't need an emulator for Flash. As for the program itself, it works really well, and it even had good luck playing games that the current version of Ruffle has trouble with. Only a few times have I had any problems getting the thing to search, which could easily be attributed to network problems. It isn't perfect, however. I've had a few problems with some of the games. On Road of the Dead, for example, the game screen is zoomed in too much for the game to be playable and trying to zoom out doesn't fix it. Also, I can't get Tower of Heaven to work with this. Every time I try I just get another game. Maybe these will be fixed in a later update or the upcoming 2.0 version, we'll just have to wait and see.

Final Verdict: This is a very solid Flash player that I recommend any hardcore Newgrounds fan to get, especially if you've had trouble getting the Newgrounds Player to work. Just be aware that it only works with Newgrounds Flash submissions.


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