Agar IO by Matheus Valadares

 If you ever wanted to play a cell that absorbs other cells, this is your chance. Matheus Valadares says it's okay.

Raise your very own Monster Blood!

This is another simple game. There's no story, the goal is to grow as big as possible by absorbing little pellets and other player controlled cells.

The game looks alright, mostly being just a bunch of circles of various sizes. That being said, there are a selection of skins you can buy with in game currency or you can even make your own. There is no music or audio of any kind in this game. The control is really basic, you just move your microbe with the mouse. You can also split your microbe into several smaller ones with the space bar and throw small amounts of your mass with the s key. Aside from enemy cells that can eat you if they're bigger than your cell, you also have to watch out for spiky circles called viruses. These viruses will automatically split your cell into many smaller cells if your cell is really big. 

The game is pretty addictive. It is really simple: just go around eating player cells and trying not to get eaten yourself. There is a surprising amount of strategy involved with this game, from throwing small amounts of your mass to attract smaller enemy players, to hiding within viruses when your small, to splitting your cell up to nab distant players, make daring getaways from bigger cells or just to speed your cell up (the cells go slower as they get bigger). As good as the game is, it isn't perfect. Sometimes it lags a bit, particularly if your using and old computer and/or have multiple programs going on at once. 

All in all this is a really fun and addictive game that'll hold your attention for a while. Just be sure to have no other programs or tabs on while you play.


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