16 Ways to Kill a Vampire at McDonald's by Abigail Corfman

Abigail Corfman's fun little game proves even the average Joe can become a vampire hunter, provided they know what they're doing obviously. Warning: This game contains mild profanities, religious themes and text-based bloodshed. Viewer's discretion is advised.

Fast food and monster hunting, together at last!

Here's the scoop: You play as Lucy, a vampire hunter who decided to drop by McDonald's for a treat when you notice a vampire slouching in a nearby booth, just waiting for a chance to make a meal of the adorable cashier. Unfortunately your not a fighter and you have no weapons on hand, so you'll have to be creative to deal with this menace.

As a text based adventure, there are no graphics or music to speak of, only the text and your imagination. The only controller you use is the mouse (or your fingers if you're playing this on your phone) to click on yellow words within the sentences to make your choices. Your goal in this game is to kill the vampire before he can suck the cashier dry. As your not a fighter, you'll have to get creative: Either make use of classic vampire weaknesses, finding a way to trap the vampire or getting help from your vampire hunting friends or even the religious homeless woman in a nearby alley.

The gameplay is simple. For the most part all you do is go around the McDonald's looking for something to exterminate the vampire. Some options are obvious, like munching on garlic fries, while other options like getting holy water or setting the building on fire are a little more tricky. Whatever you choose, you have to be quick, for there is a time limit in this game. Every action you take takes up some time and after a while, the vampire will begin to prepare his assault on the cashier. This normally isn't a problem, but it can sometimes leave whatever plan you originally had unusable, forcing you to quickly come up with another plan before the cashier gets bitten. The game has a fantastic sense of humor: some of the options for killing the vampire are really funny and the game will sometimes mock you for doing something stupid, like trying to stake the vampire with a straw. If you find enough endings you'll unlock bonus content, like a list of vampire facts and another game within this one.

This is a fun game that I recommend you give a try. It's perfect for the Halloween season.


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