The Stranger's House by Our Stories

Today's game comes to us by a horror YouTube channel called Our Stories and it is perfect for those trying to get into the Halloween spirit. Warning: This game is pretty scary. Viewer's discretion is advised.
A spine chilling experience!

True to the title, you find yourself in a nightmarish house with no idea how you got there and your goal is to get out. Every choice is narrated by the channel owner and his sister.

The game features some well done images and some nice, creepy music (though that isn't too surprising coming from Kevin Macleod and Myuu). The voices of the 2 narrators also gives the atmosphere a disturbing vibe. To control the game, you must click one of 2 links residing in the description of each video. Click the right link and you'll progress the story and eventually escape the house. Pick the wrong one, though, and you'll be killed on the spot.

Bottom line, this game is pretty well made. Its fairly short, but the atmosphere it has more than makes up for it.


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