Metroid Beginings by Speile

If you thought Metroid: Other M was bad, wait till you see what speile brought us. At least this one got a really funny video from Retsupurae.
I have no voice actress and I must scream!

This is essentially a fan made prequel to the Nintendo's first Metroid Game: You play as Samus and have to get the Chozo suit. I don't want to crush Speile's feelings, but this game plays terribly. He definitely needs to practice the art of flash game making.

The graphics are pretty bad. It all looks poorly drawn and besides 2 cameo appearances from an actual metroid and a battle against a space pirate, none of the enemies look anything like what you'd find in a Metroid game. The music is fairly decent, but that's just about the only nice thing I can say in this game's favor. The gameplay is easily the worst part of this game. The controls are a little stiff. There is no mercy invincibility or save points, so one death means you gotta start all over. The bosses are all unfairly hard, from Biodronider being entirely luck based to the space pirate being fought underwater and forcing you to deal with very floaty controls. The game is also quite glitchy. It's possible to fall out of the floor or fly upwards into space and once that happens, you have to reset.

Sorry to say, but this game is probably the worst web game I've ever played. At least Death Trap was playable and kinda funny. I usually don't like hearing about Nintendo taking down fan games (even if they have the rights to protect their IPs), but I wouldn't blame them if they aim their cease and desist rifles at this game.


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