World's Hardest Game by Snubby Land

What? Were you expecting this to be effortless?
It's almost as hard as controlling the weather!

This game doesn't have a story. You play as a red square and your goal is to get from point A to point B while avoiding hundreds of blue dots within each level. Some levels also require you to collect yellow dots and silver keys to progress.

The visual of the game is comprised of simple shapes and bright colors. The sole soundtrack is really catchy. The only controls in this game involve using the arrow keys to move the red block. True to it's name, this game is incredibly difficult. In some levels, the enemy circles move much faster than you, in others like the one in the image above the circles form a tight maze that you have to carefully navigate.

My final thoughts: This game is perfect for those looking for a challenge. Snubby Land did a good job making this game hard, but fair. If you like difficult games, this one's right up your alley.


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