Toys vs Nightmares by Xplored

If you toys were alive, could they defend you from the monsters in your closet?
Don't let this happen to you! Get your Big Black Guy Named Ben today!

Toys vs Nightmares is a kinda spooky game made by Xplored. He confirmed that this game was inspired by Plants vs Zombies and an event involving his son. Here, you place down toys to prevent nightmarish monsters from reaching a terrified child.

The visuals are fairly decent, everything looks kinda cute and the music is alright. The game plays much like Plants vs Zombies: The enemies come in from 6 lane and you need to collect currency (in this case, fantasy) to build your defenses up. If a monster reaches the bed, the child's mother will open the door and destroy all intruders on the first square. This only works once, however, so a second monster reaching the bed equals game over. The toys at your disposal include projectile firing robots, enemy slowing frogs, exploding teddy bears and monster eating dinosaurs. The invading nightmares include bomb dropping trolls, toy stealing skeletons and minion summoning boogeymen. The game is generally easy, but it becomes quite difficult on the last few levels.

This game is pretty fun, but it can be pretty frustrating at times. Your only source of imagination comes from the books, which product imagination slowly. The process can be sped up by repeatedly clicking on the books, but this distracts you from setting up your defenses, especially when the enemies are starting to appear en masse. That being said, it can be incredibly satisfying when you do get your defenses set up and the enemies start dropping like flies.

In conclusion, this game is pretty good. It obviously isn't gonna replace Plants vs Zombies or Mini Robot Wars (especially in the music department), but this game can be fun if you want to kill some time.


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