Tentacle Wars by Lumarama

These alien microbes ain't destroying our world!
Nothing to do with hentai, thank God!

Tentacle Wars is a really cool series of strategy games by Lumarama. You play as a colony of green microbes and you have to destroy the red and sometimes black microbes in each level. The second game, true to its "Purple Menace" subtitle, adds purple microbes to the party.

The graphics are comprised mainly of circles and ovals. The music gives off a dark, sci-fi feel. You use the mouse to send tentacles from your microbes. Whenever a tentacle hits another microbe, it starts sending energy towards the other microbe. This energy will hurt enemy microbes and heal friendly microbes. You can also cut your tentacles to release all the energy they had into the microbes they were attached to. If a microbe is killed by an enemy microbe, it will turn the same color as its attacker and join its side. The microbes go through various stages as they gain energy, each one more powerful than the last. The games start off easy, but become quite difficult after several levels. The purple microbe levels in the second game are particularly hard, as the purple microbes can split their tentacles just like human players.

In conclusion, this series is perfect for working your brain. You'll need some good strategy making skills to win these games. Good luck.


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