Aqua Slug by Glaiel-Gamer

Few things say Summer quite like a water gun based, kid friendly version of Metal Slug.
This would've never happen at Disneyland!

In Glaiel-Gamer's totally radical run & gun game, you play as a dude named Polo and your mission is to retrieve your football from an army of kids. To do this, you'll have to infiltrate a gigantic sand castle that has a variety of enemies, from basic grunts to rapid fire dudes. Can you handle this mission, soldier?

The game has a nice beach theme showing throughout the graphics and music. The controls are solid too. Much like its violent arcade counterpart, you can fire your gun in 8 directions and throw grenades (or water balloons in this case). You can collect an assortment of different weapons, ranging from spread guns to foe piercing water beams. This game is a huge challenge to beat. Many of the later parts have enemies littered all over the place, giving you not much room to dodge. There are also areas of deep water where guns become useless and both you and your enemies risk drowning if you stay under too long.

Final thoughts: This game is well put together, but really difficult to get through. I highly recommend this to challenge seekers, but those looking for an easy game will want to look elsewhere.


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